by Delphine | Sep 15, 2016 | 2007, 2008, Completed, Construction, Projects, Status, Types, Year
Type Construction of an extension in the Chao Pho Luang Aupatham School Budget CHF 100’000 Status Completed Year 2007-2008 Chiang Rai This project was launched through an initiative supported by HRH Princess Sirindhorn and is located next to the Myanmar border...
by Delphine | Sep 15, 2016 | 2006, Completed, Construction, Projects, Status, Types, Year
Type Building of a school Budget CHF 130’000 Statuts Completed Year 2006 Banlamkan School is a medium-sized, government-sponsored school, with about 500 students and 23 teachers.There are five single-storey buildings in the school complex: two buildings contain...
by Delphine | Sep 15, 2016 | 2006, 2007, Completed, Projects, Status, Types, Water, Year
Type Renovation of bathroom facilities Budget CHF 8’500 Status Completed Year 2006-2007 Uthai Thani Wat Huay Prachan School is located in the Uthai Thani Province (300 kilometres northwest of Bangkok) in a rural region where rice is the principle source of...
by Delphine | Sep 15, 2016 | 2014, Completed, Construction, Projects, Status, Types, Year
Type Construction of a residence hall Budget CHF 20’000 Status Completed Year 2014 Uthai Thani Construction of a residence hall for our volunteers in Uthai Thani : For several years, we have had a project to build a residence hall to house our volunteers...
by Delphine | Sep 15, 2016 | 2006, 2007, Completed, Construction, Projects, Renovation, Status, Types, Water, Year
Type Renovation of drinking water tanks, bathrooms and kitchens in four small schools Budget CHF 30’000 Status Completed Year 2006-2007 This project was launched through an initiative supported by HRH Princess Sirindhorn in order to tackle the problems of...