by Delphine | Sep 15, 2016 | 2008, 2009, Completed, Construction, Projects, Status, Types, Year
Type Dormitories and purchase of equipments Budget CHF 9’000 Status Completed Year 2008-2009 Mae Sariang Construction of dormitories and cooking facilities at mountain schools in Mae Sariang Region. The project aims to help small schools scattered across the...
by Delphine | Sep 15, 2016 | 2009, 2010, Completed, Construction, Projects, Status, Types, Year
Type School Infrastructures Budget CHF 7’250 Status Completed Year 2009-2010 Mae Sariang Long Phe Wittaya School is one of the most remote schools in the district of Sop Moei near the border of Myanmar. For the children in these mountains the Long Phe Wittaya...
by Delphine | Sep 15, 2016 | 2008, Completed, Education, Projects, Status, Types, Year
Type IT equipment Budget CHF 33’000 Status Completed Year 2008 Province d'Uthai Thani Thanks to the quality of new equipment, including 20 computers with rapid internet connection, a TV screen and new furniture, the students at these two schools now have a...
by Delphine | Sep 15, 2016 | 2008, 2009, Completed, Projects, Status, Types, Water, Year
Type Communal washbasins Budget CHF 7’000 Status Completed Year 2008-2009 Uthai Thani Three new schools benefit from a new communal washbasin: Nongmakok School, Tungpo School and Nongnaseng washbasin. These washbasins allow students to wash their hands before...
by Delphine | Sep 15, 2016 | 2010, 2011, Completed, Projects, Renovation, Status, Types, Water, Year
Type Dormitories, sinks, toilets, water tank Budget CHF 29’000 Status Completed Year 2010-2011 Klo Tho The total budget of 14’500 CHF includes the following : Renovating two dormitories 5’300 CHF Communal sinks so the children can wash their hands 2’450 CHF...
by Delphine | Sep 15, 2016 | 2009, Completed, Projects, Status, Types, Water, Year
Type Toilets and water tank Budget CHF 3’500 Status Completed Year 2009 Mae Sariang Construction of toilets and a water tank at the Long Phe Wittaya School, Mae Sariang Region Although a dormitory has been built in this small school, it still needed toilets and...