This project will be financed, according to Lennart’s wish, as part of his motorcycle trip from Switzerland to Thailand to commemorate the20th anniversary of his brothers’ disappearance.
For more information on his project, click here

Total number of beneficiaries :
Direct beneficiaries: 149 current students and 7 teachers. When the project is completed, we estimate that there will be at least 160 students.
Indirect beneficiaries: Families of students and adult migrants who participate in cultural events and training on labor rights, public health and legal aid (over 200 households).
Reasons for request:
The Andaman Centre for Migrant Education provides education that can break the cycle of poverty for marginalized communities in southern Thailand. Migrant workers from Myanmar come with the hope of a better life. Yet their children live as second-class citizens, with no right to education. These children are at great risk of working in dangerous, dirty and degrading conditions, with no other educational opportunities.
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