Dormitories and purchase of equipments
CHF 9’000
Mae Sariang
Construction of dormitories and cooking facilities at mountain schools in Mae Sariang Region.
The project aims to help small schools scattered across the mountains and attended by children from different tribes. The Mae Sariang region to the west of the village of Chiang Mai is very mountainous and remote. It takes about 7 hours in an all-terrain vehicle to reach this region. During the monsoon season, the roads become difficult to traverse, and therefore, parents cannot send their children to school for several weeks at a time.
The objective of the project is to furnish
necessary infrastructure so as to allow teachers and students to stay overnight at their schools instead of having to make long journeys home when roads are impassable.
A dormitory was constructed at the small Long Phe School and accommodates about 100 children. The Jan & Oscar Foundation also financed the purchase of chairs, mattresses, bed covers and cupboards.